story – Daanish, a mute man from Igatpuri whose childhood dream was to become a Bollywood actor, reaches Mumbai to fulfill his dream. He tries to enter Film City, but gets stopped by the guards there. He trespasses the gate and comes across an assistant director, Akshara Pandey, who is amazed by his acting. She approaches a director for requesting a role for Daanish in a film, but the director refuses after he comes to know that Daanish cannot speak.
Daanish and Akshara go to a voice hospital to get his check-up, but doctors declare his vocal chords are fully paralyzed and are unable to be treated. But, they assure him that with their advanced technology, Danish could have a ‘voice transfer’. They fit a chip inside Daanish’s larynx with which a person could transfer their voice into the chip, and when the person would speak, the words would also come from Danish’s mouth. They set out to search for a person who could speak for Daanish every time, when they come across an old drunkard, Amitabh Sinha, lying on the footpath. Amitabh also wanted to become an actor but was rejected because of his voice.
Director: R. Balki
Writer: R. Balki
Stars: Amitabh Bachchan, Dhanush, Akshara Haasan